One of the things that small businesses – and often mid-sized ones too – don’t do well is bookkeeping, the source of all their financial reports. When money to (1) expand the sales and marketing team, or (2) add new products, or (3) pay bonuses to the owners, have to compete for dollars with an adequate accounting system and competent staffing, accounting sometimes loses out. After all, accounting doesn’t make money for the company (or so I’ve heard), and often getting it right means paying more income taxes than the owners want, which means even less money for those favored projects.
No finger pointing – this is a ‘hypothetical discussion.’ But if that should be happening in a company that you know, there may be a couple problems, such as:
Now some would say that they can fix the accounting if and when it becomes a problem. That’s nice, dear, but by then it’s too late to fix the problem from last year, and the year before that, and so on. Accounting is a historical record of your business, and nobody puts much trust on history rewritten in the moment. Except those folks who don’t understand how this works. The cost of good accounting is always less than the cost of bad accounting. We know, because we’ve seen the results of both.
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