Flip side of the economy: Great time to upgrade key finance staff
Whether you simply refuse to struggle through one more recession or simply feel that it’s time to wrap it up, your exit is a life event with a bewildering array of options. Assuming you’ve built a business that has real staying power, you could sell it to your employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) or transfer it to your children to carry on as a family business. However if your retirement fund is essentially the business, you may want to know that it will produce the cash you will need for the next 10, 20 or more years. And that likely means selling the business to outsiders who will pay cash for it rather than giving it to the kids and hoping for the best.
Contract part-time CFOs: Don’t let them “practice” on you.
Good things happen when employees understand what it takes to make a profit.
Significant marketing investments, such as the cost of developing a new web site or a branding project that will clearly benefit a company’s marketplace positioning for a significant period of time into the future may be considered intangible assets for accounting purposes, and may thus be amortized over their estimated useful lives, without regard to the timing of the cash transactions that paid for them.
Following up on my introduction of this series of posts, here is the first of two agencies that I want …
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