Exiting your business is a lot like selling a very good used car (or the home you’ve lived in for 25 years). A lot can look good on the outside, but a lot can go wrong if the buyer takes a good look at the inside. That’s why you want to start early, get a skilled mechanic to check it out, and address those hidden flaws that can torpedo a sale, sometimes at the 11th hour. Here are a few examples we’ve helped with over the last few years:
Our prediction a few years ago that this decade would see a lot of privately owned companies put up for sale is certainly coming to pass, and happily there is still a fair amount of money looking for the good ones. The trick is for the good ones to look like good ones from the beginning, rather than having to prove it during due diligence, and that requires preparation – a plan that is well crafted and then carried out. And that doesn’t happen in a few months, it happens when the owners start early and in earnest. We’ve said that means 4-5 years if the company needs some fixing, as nearly all do. Does yours? Are you ready to begin?
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