For young entrepreneurs who launched their companies in the past 5-10 years, grew them through intense energy and hard work, and then rode them out through a punishing pandemic, more than a few of them will be saying today “I don’t ever want to go through that again! I want to sell my company and begin living my life again!”
And if they didn’t need help before, they certainly need it now. We met someone recently who said essentially that. “Let’s sell this company before the year’s out, so I can really celebrate the holidays.” The only problem, well problems plural, that will likely dampen the holiday spirit, are these, among others:
So, do you want to buy this company? I bet you could get it for a bargain price. And time would tell if it was a bargain or a train wreck. But, if you were still looking to buy this company, you should require:
But if you’re the seller, you should as a minimum fix a couple things before you go looking for a buyer, despite your desire to celebrate the new year on your own south pacific island:
No easy answer for either side of this deal. As the Farmers Insurance pitch man says: “We know a thing or two, because we’ve seen a thing or two.” Just ask us.
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